WWE Champions is a mixture of strategy and a match-three game. After a player chooses his/her wrestler, the actual game is mainly about matching colored gems in order to perform certain moves.
To add a few variations, once the colored bar is full, players can then activate one of three special attacks which each varies depending on the wrestler. Players must try to beat their opponents down and win the match.
Aside from the pin-meter, each wrestler has a health bar, and the amount of health each player have when pinned will always depend on how simple it will be to shake their opponent off. When they run out of health, it will be an easy win. It will sometimes take a while to get started. Through the cluttered home pages and loading screen eventually will lead players to a straightforward tutorial.
The game has a lot of bits in it. There are cash, training cards, loot boxes, special bonuses, items to upgrade, items to unlock, items to purchase, and many more. Sometimes, it gets a little overwhelming. Furthermore, an unfortunate side effect of the game is the fact that more time is being spent outside the game than actually in it.
The game’s average match will last around a couple of minutes before players will be routed back into the loading screens or upgrading schemes. All the wrestlers can be upgraded right away to increase the chances of winning a match.
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